life is better together

At Abundant Life, we want everyone to grow in their faith, and we believe that spiritual growth happens best in the context of relationship. 

Our life groups provide an opportunity for small groups to gather together and develop relationships in which we can support and encourage one another as we pursue Jesus, learn to follow the ways of His Kingdom, and seek to live for His glory.


Have questions? We have the answers!

Why life groups?

Life groups provide a place where we can live out all of the “one another” instructions given to us in the Bible: to love one another, encourage one another, pray for one another, spur one another on towards good works… We want to make sure that each one of our people has a small community in which they can be encouraged to grow in Christ as they encourage others to do the same.

What is a life group?

At Abundant Life, our life groups are small groups of about 12-20 people that meet together several times a month. These groups provide a place for people to dig deeper into the Bible, to create accountability, and to support one another as they follow Jesus.

Where do life groups meet?

Our life groups meet in leaders’ homes in Massillon and surrounding areas. Scroll down to find a life group that meets at a time and location that works for you!

interested in joining a life group?

We would love to connect you with our Life Group Ministry Leaders to learn more and get plugged into a Life Group. Fill out the form and we will be in contact with you.