you matter.
you are more than you believe.

you belong here.


Abundant Life Christian Fellowship is a church where we strive to make everything we do joyful, passionate and compassionate and we hope that these will be family friendly, fun and foster personal connection with God and others. 
Service Times:
9:00 and 10:45 AM
Breakfast is served between services at 10:00 AM

Recent Sermon

As Pastor Shane is on sabbatical, we hope you will join us for our Summer Sermon Series which will consist of guest speakers. These gentlemen have been prayerfully preparing their sermons to share what God has laid on their hearts, and we look forward to hearing from each of them. 


We need your help to make sure that no man, woman and child in Massillon, Ohio is lonely or hungry.
Click the button below to learn more about how you can partner with us.

give online

Thank you to all who give so faithfully and sacrificially to God’s work at Abundant Life. We are blessed to have such a generous church. During this season, we appreciate your willingness to continue your giving online. Click below to give your offering or make a donation.