sunday morning worship experience


Sunday mornings at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship are essential to who we are and what we do as a church. The time that we are gathered together as the body of Christ is paramount to our lives as His followers. For this reason, we seek to maximize every moment God has given us during those gatherings to bring glory to Him and to build up His people as we learn to love and enjoy Him more.

We desire for every heart that participates in our Sunday morning service to be transformed by the Spirit of God as we seek to point everything we do to the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Each week we strive to represent the gospel in a tangible, creative, and biblical way to encourage those present either to believe for the first time or to have their faith renewed and their love for Jesus rekindled once again. We want people to leave the Sunday morning service with a greater understanding of who God is, a deeper love for Him, and a resolve to partner with Him to grow as a disciple of Christ and to make disciples of others.

Our hope is that those who attend the service would find it to be an inviting, hospitable, family friendly environment that fosters personal connection with God and each other. We hope that the joy and passion you'll find as you walk through the doors inspire and encourage your heart toward Jesus and growth and him and that you might consider calling Abundant Life your home.



Services are at 9:00 and 10:45 AM


Rooted is the children’s ministry of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship and is available during our 9:00 & 10:45am Worship Services. It is designed for infants through fifth grade. Our amazing team of volunteers work hard to make sure that while you’re loving church, your kids will be loving church too!
Our Drop-Off Nursery (0-3 years) and Mommy & Me Nursery are available during the 10:45am service.


Before each of our services (starting at 8:30 and 10:00 - 10:45), we have a time of connection in our cafe. Each week we serve Pioneer Coffee, juice, water and an assortment of grab and go breakfast items for you to enjoy for free. 


At Abundant Life, we make it our goal to offer sound biblical teaching on Sunday mornings. Our Pastor and various guest speakers work hard to bring challenging and encouraging messages to you each week.


Abundant Life's Music Team seeks to lead our congregation in songs that are Gospel centered and include both modern contemporary sounds as well as classic hymns and anthems of the Church.